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and Let's make something great together


Generators, Quizes and more allow you to create and integrate characters into the setting. Generating NPCs, finding your god or discovering what noble house you would best fit into.


Discover Aedruna’s maps - filled with deep history and unique locales to traverse. Our Interactive map is still in beta, but come take a look around the known realms of Aedruna.


Over years I have both completed art myself and had it commissioned. Explore the art of Aedruna.


NPC Generator

Generate NPCs based upon the country and region you're likely to find them. Create unique NPCs with flaws and history. This generator also tells you how what percentage of the population is made up of that lineage and culture, and what likelihood they are to have the accent generated.

Noble Houses Quiz

Find out what Elibriun noble house you would belong to. A quiz to determine which of the 36 major Elibriun noble families most aligns with your philosophy and personality.

Religion Quiz

Discover your deity. Which god or goddess from the pantheon of the nine do you match up with the best?

Note Taking Tool

A document writing and note taking tool. I was sick of linear note-taking tools and decided that I'd make my own that worked more collaboratively between documents. WorldScribe allows you to tag a word in [square brackets] and instantly link it to a document with that name. Allowing you to move through your setting and take notes more effectively.

Table Screen Display

This is an image display tool I built for a tabletop monitor. It can display artwork and maps for roleplaying games and propegates any changes digitally across the website to a raspberry pi installed in the table.


Interactive Map BETA

An interactive map of the Known Realms of Aedruna, scroll around and zoom in on this incredibly detailed world map. This is a work in progress, and so many pieces will be in the works as we speak!

Map Gallery

Come see maps big and small! I have been producing maps for my setting ever since it's inception, and many of those maps are held here for your viewing pleasure.