
Which scene is your favourite?

Which of these would be your ideal job?

What class most interests you?

What is your favourite colour?

What force do you believe governs the universe?

Which of these things do you feel drives you?

How would you deal with your mortal enemy?

Which of the following draws your eye the most?

Pick a familiar or animal companion.

How would your friends describe you?

Pick a season.

Pick a music artist you like.

How do you go about reaching your goals?

What's your favourite characteristic?

What trait is your least favourite for another to have?

Choose a location to have lunch.

What's your favourite school of magic?

Pick a Word.

How will you meet your death?

You walk into an ancient museum with guards upon every corner. There are all manners of riches and invaluable things here. What do you do?

What are your thoughts on fate?

Pick your domains.

What's strongest/mightiest?

Pick a holy symbol.